We’re Just Getting Started

After providing engaging astronomy programming for the various Deep Astronomy channels for over 17 years, we are switching gears and providing our content for syndication to other platforms and we are starting with radio and podcasters.

With our limited resources, we are focussing on our strengths: quality, short-form audio that is designed to inspire and get your audiences thinking. We will focus on topics well-known to capture interest and attention.

Our First Astronomy Content Stream: EXOPLANET RADIO

Exoplanet Radio is a daily 2-4 minute program featuring the exciting new science of planets around other stars. Each day will highlight an exoplanet and discuss whether life might exist there. We examine questions like, could life exist here? How far away is it? We also explore the bigger picture:

  • How do astronomers find exoplanets and determine what conditions are there?
  • how many exoplanets do we know about so far?
  • Could we live on another planet in the galaxy?
  • What is the possibility of life elsewhere?

We offer astronomy content in ‘stream’ format, meaning you subscribe to a given stream and are given access to that content as it comes out. Each stream has a different posting frequency. For example, Exoplanet Radio offers a new episode every day, while Our Sky at Night is a weekly content stream.

Media Formats

Eventually, all of our astronomy programs will be offered in written, infographic, audio and video formats. But for now, with Exoplanet Radio, episodes will be in audio format suitable for broadcast over radio. In the future, when you subscribe, you will be given access to all media types, which one you use is up to you. You can use one, or all three depending on whether you have a webpage, podcast or YouTube channel.

For now however, audio-only is available for Exoplanet Radio.

Check Out Exoplanet Radio!

All episodes are available for download! https://exoplanetradio.com